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Candor Town Board



214 S. Main Street
Candor, NC 27229

Town of Candor Board of Commissioner's
2024 Meeting Schedule

1st Monday of each month, unless a holiday falls on that Monday. No meeting in July. Meetings take place @ 7:00pm in Candor Town Hall,

and are always OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.


Candor Board of Commissioners (Front row l-r ): Mayor Pro-Tem, Jerry Brewer; Mayor, Phillip Hearne. (Back row l-r): Commissioner, Daniel Harris; Commissioner, David Kellis; Commissioner Tim Smith; Commissioner, Layton Booker.

Our Town

The Town of Candor was incorporated in 1891 and is a community with deep roots. We are a vital part of the economy of Montgomery County, NC. Our pride rests in the ingenuity of our people and the strides we have made in agriculture and industry - specifically Peaches, Railway & Manufacturing. We are known throughout the state as the "Peach Capital of North Carolina", and this is a title we honor annually with the exciting N.C. Peach Festival. Please feel free to navigate through our website and learn more about us...and Welcome to Candor, NC!

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