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Email Us at:
Call Us: (910)974-4221
Four easy ways to pay your Town of Candor, NC water bill:
Option 1:
Pay Water Bill with EGOV
Option 2:
Pay Water Bill with DOXO link. Click here for more info on Doxo.
Options 3 & 4:
Drop payment in drop box at
Town Hall, or mail to:
Candor Town Hall
PO Box 220
Candor, NC 27229
Please note: Town of Candor Water Bills are DUE on the 19th of each month. If your bill is not paid by the 19th, a $10.00 LATE FEE will be applied to your bill. If you do not pay your bill by the 2nd Penalty Date, the 25th of each month, your water will be CUT-OFF. If this happens, you will have to pay a RECONNECT FEE of $50.00 in addition to your Water Bill, plus the Late Fee.
Also, if you pay by check and your check is returned to us by the bank for insufficient funds, your account will be charged a $25.00 Admin Fee for the returned check. You will then owe the balance due for your account, plus the Admin Fee, plus any of the other fees listed above that apply.
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